Some of these questions have been asked. Some of them - as yet - haven't. Indeed I'm sure I've missed out the most important ones. So I'm probably misusing the word 'frequently' in FAQ. Oh well...

What's A Year about?

A Year, in a nutshell, is the story of my travels around the country during 2003/4 supporting, promoting and not-quite-stalking a particular singer, known forever more in my writing as Griffin.

Ok, so that's the year bit, what about the army?

Ali's Army was the name given to a group of Griffin's fans, of which I was a fully paid up, banner waving, member. We bore no relation to the actual army there being a general lack of kahki in evidence. And, as useful as it would have been a times, we weren't given any weapons.

I read the first version of A Year - is this any different?

In short - a resounding yes. I started writing A Year during Christmas 2003 and continued writing at a fairly steady pace for the next six months or so, which can still be read - if you're not a mac or firefox user - here. For a variety of reasons I stopped writing it in June 2004 and then my degree served to prevent any more writing when I was ready to resume. When I came back to finish it a couple of months ago I discovered that the triple time scheme I was writing to would have tied me in knots. I also wanted to do a bit of revision to make it generally more readable for people who may not have followed the Griffin journey. So this probably counts as a re-write rather than a revision. As it stands it owes rather a lot to Fever Pitch and What's My Motivation?, both of which inspired me at different stages of the writing journey.

How often will you update?

Previously I used to wait until I had four or five chapters written before posting them up, which had the advantage of providing chunks of story but the disadvantage of taking a while to write. This time, in the spirit of blogger, I'm going to be posting up each chapter as it's finished. As an achieveable target I'm aiming to complete a chapter a week, though with the chapters that I'm currently revising it may well be more like two or three a week. To give you a guide of how long A Year will be - my original plans and book divisions had it hit eighty chapters on its epilogue. The new version is already slightly condensed but I'd be surprised if I hit less than sixty five. So we're in for a long ride.

Does Griffin know about A Year?

This was my most asked question last time so I thought I'd better include it here. I gave him a copy of the first book of A Year in March 2004, so he's aware of it in as much as having had a 20,000 word doorstop given to him.

Who are you?

I'm glad you asked. I'm Corinne, a 22 year old recent graduate who lives in Leeds and is currently working part time doing something very boring indeed for a building contractor and spending the rest of the week writing. If that's the short version then the long answer to this question is contained within the 200 odd posts on Distant Aggravation, my slightly dog-earred but much loved - by me at least - blog. I'll also post up new A Year entry notices over there.
And if I want to shout at you/say nice things/ send you pairs of expensive shoes?
You can leave comments throughout A Year, pop something in the guestbook over on DA or send me an email at: distantaggravation dot gmail dot com .

As a final note the content of A Year belongs exclusively to me and may be linked to but should not be copied without gaining my permission.


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